Vice President Osinbajo urges Nigerian leaders to work together and be united for the good of the country

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Yemi Osinbajo, who is the Vice President, wants the leaders to agree strongly and make plans that will bring Nigerians together and unite them.

On Monday, Osinbajo spoke at the first Policy Making and Good Governance Lecture Series put together by the National Institute for Policy Strategic Studies (NIPPS) in Kuru, which is close to Jos.

The vice president talked about building a nation where everyone belongs in a lecture. He was sad about how people are dividing the nation and making it go backwards.

He said Nigeria should see its differences as a good thing, not a bad thing. He also said Nigeria could be a great country if people worked together to stop fighting with each other.

Osinbajo said Nigeria could learn from countries like Singapore, Tanzania, and Rwanda. These countries have successfully handled their differences.

Many countries with different people have been able to use their differences to help everyone. We can do this in Nigeria too.

We have many people with different backgrounds in Nigeria, which is good for us. We need to learn how to work well together so that our country can get better.

To stop the unfair treatment based on our race and religion in our country, the important people need to unite and decide to focus on what we have in common instead of our differences.

I think that leaders and politicians could do more to create rules and make sure they are being followed to stop people from using religion and ethnicity to cause harm in our country.

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He spoke.


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